
Streamline Your Company’s Recruitment Process in Three Ways

Modern technology has made it easy for aspiring job seekers to send in multiple applications to different companies through the use of job portals. They no longer have to face the troubles that job seekers in the past faced, particularly when it comes to sending in their resumes through snail mail.

Now, with just a few clicks on their computer, job seekers can apply for all the positions they’re eyeing as long as they believe that they qualify for the role. But although this technological progress enhanced the job-seeking experience, the same cannot be said for the hiring managers that have to sift through the hundreds of applications they receive in one day.

At the minimum, recruiters will only take a few seconds to skim through an applicant’s resume before moving on to the next one. This may appear extreme from the point of view of the applicants who worked hard on their resumes, but it’s a necessary race against time, especially considering the sheer volume of tasks they are juggling all at once.

As the head of your company, you can help your hiring managers lessen their workload by utilizing tech tools that can streamline your recruitment processes. By reducing their manually laborious tasks, your hiring managers can use that time to build better relationships with your potential candidates.

If you look at it this way, you’ll realize that it’s a win-win situation. Your managers will have more time on their hands to focus on important tasks and your candidates will experience a better recruitment process. Here are three software solutions that you can use to streamline your hiring process:

1. Use Aptitude Tests for Initial Applicant Screening

Once certain resumes from your applicants catch your hiring manager’s attention, the next step you should take is to assess their skills to see if they are a perfect fit for the role. Most of the time, this part of the process is included in the initial interview, but you can preempt it with an aptitude test.

Nowadays, a lot of companies tend to administer aptitude assessments to their applicants to gauge whether their abilities are sufficient and worth investing in. The applicants’ score on the test will be telling if they can succeed in a fast-changing and highly competitive work environment or not.

Of course, their assessment scores aren’t definitive of who they are as individuals, but it can be a great way to weed out potentially bad hires from those who have what it takes to succeed. Since these assessment tests and their results are automated, you will only need to send them to your applicants without having to supervise them at all.

2. Automate the Scheduling for Applicant Interviews


After the applicants pass the initial screenings, your recruitment managers will have to schedule a series of job interviews before they can be hired. There isn’t really much to the process of scheduling because it’s mainly administrative, but it can also be very time-consuming and exhausting for both parties.

This is because your hiring managers and applicants will have to converse through back-and-forth emails or time-intensive phone calls just to set an interview schedule that works for them. But if you use job interview scheduling and tracking software, you can eliminate these gruesome processes.

By automating the scheduling for your applicant interviews, you can be increasing the efficiency of your hiring managers because you have reduced their unnecessary interactions. This software will not only improve the candidate experience because they can keep track of their schedule, but it can also reduce the possibility of human errors, such as overlapping schedules or double-booking interviews.

3. Elevate Your Onboarding Program for New Hires

The onboarding program is an essential transitory period for your new hires because it will allow them to acclimate to their roles. Aside from learning about their direct duties and responsibilities, the onboarding program will familiarize them with the organization’s values, systems, processes, and workplace culture.

That’s why the employee onboarding program has to be comprehensive and sufficient; otherwise, your new hires will feel like they are fish out of water. By elevating your existing onboarding program, you can create a stronger employee experience that can lead to better retention and reduce turnover.

If you can engage your employees from the very start as well as provide them with the tools they need to become dedicated workers, you can build a stronger and healthier company culture. You can even use an onboarding software platform to ensure that your program is repeatable and streamlined for efficiency.

Your company’s biggest asset is your employees; without them, your business will cease to exist. That’s why you must do everything in your power to retain your existing employees and attract the right talents to increase your team of dedicated workers. Through time, you’ll learn how to manage your people better with modern technology.

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