patio area

Outdoor Living Space: 3 Inspiring Ideas

Americans spent some $47.8 billion to enhance their lawns. Apart from perhaps hiring lawn service franchises, the money goes to purchases like container gardening, plants, and landscaping. They also spend on other items ranging from lights to other fixtures. In 2018, the average household spent more than $500 on landscaping, which is $100 higher than in 2017.

But you don’t want to go this conventional route, and you have the budget to spend for more. Why not try creating an outdoor living space? Here are a few things for you to consider.

Outdoor Living Space in America

It’s probably one of the most exciting things you could do in your home—to extend your living space outdoors. And you will be joining 86% of American households that have already expanded their homes to their front or backyard. What’s more interesting is that nearly 80% of households with an outdoor living space utilize this space at least once a week. Many Americans now want that breath of fresh air and that cozy feeling of sitting outside on a beautiful day having conversations with family and friends.

They’re not scrimping either, and most of the spending is going to furniture acquisition. This year, furniture sales are expected to reach $5.3 billion. This data is further highlighted by the desire of some 47% of households to improve comfort in their outdoor spaces, primarily by buying new furniture and accessories.

The top five items on the list are tables, chairs, lighting, umbrellas, and fire pits.

Get Inspired with This Outdoor Living Spaces

outdoor dining and kitchen area

Is it going to be a patio or a gazebo? What about an outdoor barbecue/dining area or an extended living room? Will it be a mid-century modern design, or will it have the flair of the Mediterranean? There’s plenty of decisions that you need to make. The following ideas might help get you started:

  1. The fire pit option. This is on the top five of the purchases, so might as well start with this one. If the weather is just cold enough and not freezing, adding a fire pit to your front deck creates that warm feeling making entertaining guests outside more spectacular. Build a bench around it that’s comfortable. You have the choice to go for wood burning fire pits, propane on copper bowls, or natural gas. Make sure that you install one that matches your overall design.
  2. Dining Al Fresco. Why not bring the panache of Parisian or Roman type of al fresco dining right to your home? Create that courtyard dining-kitchen living space right in your backyard. Consider leading your guests through your French doors that open outback to an 8-seater long dining table. Adorn the areas with some plants and make it a full-service kitchen if you genuinely want to amaze your guests.
  3. Outside living room. Dinner inside, so why not coffee and cognac outside? Create an extended living room that takes advantage of your view. Integrate a small fireplace and add matching lights that stimulate both fun and serious conversations. Set it up with a dark table and two chairs that evoke the ambiance of Amsterdam’s brown café. Discussing a business deal or typing a report? Do it in your outside living room.

You can create a bar outside that’s perfect for a small cocktail party. A lounge area with a large comfortable sofa and a table is an ideal place to read a book or just relax. The possibilities are endless. Are you ready to spend on your inspiring outdoor living space?

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