home sketches and swatches

A Budget-Friendly Guide to Home Design

Our homes play a critical role in our everyday lives. They provide us with a place to retreat from the harshness of the outside world. But the function of a home should move beyond acting as a haven. Instead, it should bring us joy and make us feel comfortable.

This idea can be achieved through home decoration. Many of us may first think about the cost of having to change our current decor and how we can do so with our limited budgets.

Limited funds, however, do not mean that there’s no hope of changing our homes for the better. Instead, they push the limits of our creativity and resourcefulness when it comes to implementing our design and aesthetic ideas. Here are a few budget-friendly ways to beautify your house and land in Donnybrook and other areas.

Play with Colours

Colours can influence our emotions. It is noticeable in how we “see red” or “feel blue.” The Psychology of Colours is also applicable to interior design, which is why it’s good to note about how shades can affect the vibe that the room gives out.

For example, small spaces that have limited access to natural light should be brightened up with lighter shades. We can do so by painting the walls a lighter shade of blue or green since these colours are known for their calming effect. Wallpaper works well, too, and there are so many affordable options that can be found online.

If the walls are off-limits, we can make use of the furniture pieces. The cases for throw pillows can be easily DIY-ed, either with old garments, pre-existing fabrics, or new ones that can be bought for cheap at local stores.

As for offices and other rooms meant for productivity, brighter shades of yellow and orange should be used. However, too much of these shades can be overwhelming, especially for those who dislike them. Hence, the need to consider balance and contrast when playing with colours.

In the study room, loud colours can be used as accent shades instead. This idea can be done through wall art, which can be found in flea markets, second-hand shops, and regular department stores. A better alternative is making them ourselves or printing something from the Internet and framing it. Take note of the copyrights when doing the latter.

Another way of implementing these colours is by painting over furniture pieces like the shelves. Contrasting them with white or dark shades can result in a room that wouldn’t be too much for our senses.

Bring in Nature

indoor potted plants

Introducing plants to our indoor space will do wonders for our homes and families. Plants are known for their calming effect and the way they relieve stress. But their primary function is to oxygenate the air, resulting in better quality inside. Best case scenario, these small pieces of nature can help improve our mental and physical health in the long run.

Those of us who aren’t used to caring for plants or don’t have the time to do so should consider low-maintenance ones like succulents and cacti. These often come small and cheap at the local gardening supply shops. The busiest of people can even opt for fake plants. It might take away the benefit of better air, but the upkeep aspect will be gone as well.

Remove Clutter

Perhaps the least expensive way of improving upon our homes is by clearing up any clutter we have in every room. A recommendable way to go about this is by using Marie Kondo’s KonMari method.

This method doesn’t promote minimalism. Instead, it encourages us to let go of items that don’t bring joy anymore. Giving these items away or putting them in the trash can clear up space for other pieces that can be of use to us in the future.

Applying the tips above can help provide a better and more comfortable home for you and your family.

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