man and woman working together

Emerging Home Design Trends to Get You Through a Pandemic

Staying home for months has probably left you noticing every nook and cranny of your house. You finally see the full picture of what you have and what you lack, pushing you to plan a remodel to ensure your home is conducive to the lifestyle changes your family has made because of the pandemic. But where should you start? Here are some design trends to help you live comfortably during and after a pandemic.

Dedicated home offices or study rooms

Working from your bed or kitchen island might have worked during the first few months of the pandemic. But imagine working like that for the rest of the year or even the next few years. Remote working is likely to stay even post-pandemic. So, it’s time to create a designated space for working. This way, you get to delineate your work from personal life, keeping your daily life balanced and less stressful.

The same goes for your kids. They need dedicated study rooms to focus on their virtual classes. That is especially true if you have two or more children, and they have to study from home at the same time.

wooden miniature house

A beautiful and relaxing garden

One of the best ways to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to stay home. But cabin fever is real—being cooped up at home for weeks or months can take a toll on your mental health. Work on overhauling your garden, so you can spend time in nature without going out. You can do it on your own and treat it like a weekend project, but it’s also good to talk to residential landscaping or hardscaping professionals. They can help realize your vision for your patio or backyard and even work on it while keeping a safe distance.

A better and bigger kitchen

During the pandemic, more people cook at home, brushing up on their cooking and baking skills. Though some restaurants have reopened for delivery and meals-to-go, choosing to cook at home more often can help your family stay healthy and within budget. And with that lifestyle change, you need a better and bigger kitchen. So, if you plan to remodel your home soon, you can start with the kitchen. Go for a more massive and more durable kitchen island and more storage spaces to keep your two weeks’ worth of groceries.

Installation of better HVAC systems

When planning to upgrade systems and appliances, begin with your HVAC systems and focus on the V. A whole-house ventilating dehumidifier is an excellent complement for your AC system; it can help provide cold and filtered air. Many dehumidifiers are available as stand-alone units, while others can be integrated into your existing HVAC system.

Consider installing plasma or UV filtration to your existing HVAC system, too. Such units can kill rather than filter indoor air pollutants like viruses, bacteria, and mold, keeping your indoor air healthy.

Thinking about the uncertain future can be unsettling. We should instead focus on things we can control, and one of those is our home. With these design trends, you can remodel your home to be more relaxing and comfortable—a sanctuary for your family as you face the next few months or years of the pandemic.

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