house exterior

Business Curb Appeal: Should it Blend it or Stand Out?

The subject of curb appeal is mostly discussed around homes, but it’s just as essential in businesses. Without a good curb appeal, customers may be put off by your business, and perceive it as dated, untidy, or unappealing, exactly like your storefront.

But if your store is located in a commercial building that other tenants also use, should your curb appeal blend in, or stand out? When you look around commercial districts, you might notice that many stores in them share similar physical characteristics, yet are distinct from one another at the same time. If there’s a store that sticks out like a sore thumb, it’ll naturally get plenty of attention, but does it result in hefty sales?

Let’s think of a home and an entire residential area. When you’re shopping around for a home, you may be awed by one that has an exceptional front yard. But when you look at it together with its neighbors, the home may either look over-the-top or just too different that it has become unappealing.

That’s why some HOA board members impose minor limitations on improving curb appeal. Since it’s visible to everyone, it can affect the aesthetics of a whole street or area. Similarly, making your store’s curb appeal extravagant may also disrupt the uniformity of the commercial building it’s in.

That said, here are some pointers for boosting your store’s curb appeal:

The Must-Haves

Before deciding on any major changes, check if your storefront has the following first:

  • Signage. Obviously, this is the most important, but check if yours has chipped, broken, or faded. Damaged signage may be illegible, making customers hesitate to enter your premises.
  • Clean doors and windows. If they’re made of glass, ensure that they’re always spotless, clear, and intact.
  • Window displays. The products you’re showcasing should be updated regularly, especially during the holidays.
  • Adequate lighting. Your building most likely has existing lighting, so ensure that its bulbs are always functioning.
  • Walkway. It should be free of dirt, debris, or any other obstruction that can also become a slip, fall, or trip hazard.
  • Parking. If the building doesn’t have a dedicated parking space, your customers would highly appreciate it if you can provide parking for one or two autos in front of your shop.

Changes You Can Apply

modern exterior

Ultimately, your curb appeal will depend on your brand. If your aesthetics and theme are on the minimalist side, then obviously, your curb appeal has to reflect that too. You can’t use bold paint colors or oversize sidewalk displays. But if your brand promotes individuality, like some makeup brands, then your curb appeal should also pop.

Here are the improvements that will make your curb appeal stand out, but not ostentatiously:

  • Landscape. If there’s no lawn in your storefront, simply use planters to adorn your windows, walkway, and entryway.
  • Aesthetic lighting. In addition to the building’s lights, install dramatic commercial lighting to illuminate your walkway during the night. You may also install some fixtures in a tree or in shrubs to make them glow and look dreamy.
  • Place garbage cans out of sight. They may be essential, but visible bins totally ruin your store’s beauty.
  • Sidewalk displays. If you have a newly launched product, consider placing a pedestal outside your store to showcase it on. You may also create an oversize version of it to grace your entrance. If that’s not an option either, you can have a staff member stand outside and hand out samples.

Keep in mind that your store should look equally good during the day and during the night. Whether you choose to blend in or stand out, the most important quality in it is being inviting. When customers feel that your store is always ready to welcome them, you’ll more likely end each day with steep sales.

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