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Workplace Productivity: A Few Design Changes

Employees need an office that is conducive to productivity to be effective and efficient. Employers can benefit from increased workplace productivity by having an office set up for success.

Employees see a sharp increase in productivity when a few design changes get made in the office. The benefits include higher quality work, fewer distractions, and increased motivation.

Some companies have found that making a few design changes could increase workplace productivity by as much as 15%. If you want similar results in your office, you can make a few changes yourself. However, identifying a starting point can be difficult. To help you get started, here are a few design changes proven to increase productivity in the workplace.

Natural Lighting

Natural lighting is one of the most critical design changes you can make to increase workplace productivity. Numerous studies have found that exposure to natural light increases task performance, reduces absenteeism, and boosts morale.

If your office doesn’t have much natural light, you can try adding some skylights or windows. You can also try rearranging the furniture to make the most of natural light. Plantation shutter installations are another option to consider. They allow you to control the amount of light that comes into the office, which can be beneficial on days when the sun is too bright.

However, the business office space will still need artificial lighting to supplement the natural light. You can try using LED bulbs, which are more energy-efficient and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. Natural and artificial lighting should work together to create a bright and welcoming environment.

Comfortable Furniture

If your employees are sitting in uncomfortable chairs, it will negatively impact their productivity. Employees in pain are more likely to take more breaks, which reduces the amount of work they get done.

To ensure your employees are comfortable, you must provide them with ergonomic seating. Ergonomic chairs can reduce back, neck, and shoulders stress. They also offer support for the lower back, which can improve posture.

You should also ensure enough space for employees to move around in their chairs. If possible, allow them to adjust the height of their chairs. Employees should be able to sit with their feet flat on the floor and their knees at a 90-degree angle.

Ergonomics should also be present in the workstation itself. To avoid wrist strain, the keyboard and mouse should be at the correct height. Employees shouldn’t have to reach too far for their phones or other devices.

The office layout also impacts employee comfort. Cubicles can be cramped, which doesn’t allow for much movement. Open floor plans are a better option as they provide more space and opportunities for employees to move around.


Noise is a common productivity killer in the workplace. Even low-level background noise can impact task performance and cause employees to make more mistakes. In an open office, it can even be more challenging to get peace and quiet.

To create a more productive environment, you need to reduce noise levels as much as possible. One way to do this is to add sound-absorbing materials to the office. Carpets, drapes, and acoustic panels can all help to reduce noise.

It would help if you also encouraged employees to use headphones when they need to concentrate. Headphones can be a great way to block out distractions and increase productivity.

Another way to reduce noise in the workplace is to create separate spaces for different activities. If possible, have a dedicated area for conference calls and meetings. This step will allow employees who need to concentrate to do so without interruption.


An aesthetic office

The visuals in your office can also impact employee productivity. A study by Steelcase found that workers are more productive in environments with inspiring visuals.

To create an inspiring environment, you should add some greenery. Plants not only look good but also help to improve air quality.

It would be best if you also considered the color scheme of your office. Studies have found that specific colors can impact employee mood and productivity. For example, blue promotes concentration, while green is associated with relaxation. Artwork can also improve the look of your office and encourage employee productivity.

The physical environment of your office has a significant impact on employee productivity. To create a productive workplace, you should ensure the office is well-lit, comfortable, and free from noise. The visuals in the office should also be inspiring and promote concentration. Creating a productive work environment will help your employees to be more effective and efficient.

It’s also important to consider the amount of clutter in the office. A cluttered desk can be a significant distraction and make it difficult to focus on work. Employees should declutter their desks at the end of each day to help them stay focused and productive.

Final Thoughts

You can make a few design changes to your office to improve workplace productivity. By increasing natural light, providing comfortable furniture, and reducing noise levels, you can create a more productive environment for your employees. These changes can be costly and time-consuming, but the return on investment will be worth it.

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