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What Should You Do When Faced with Redundancy?

The world has felt the massive impact of COVID-19 on the global economy, especially on businesses. Many employers will soon likely face economic constraints as a result of the coronavirus for the foreseeable future even as more cities start to lift the lockdown.

As businesses begin to assess their potential loss and the real impact of the pandemic becomes clear, the truth is that many employees may face redundancies in the next couple of months. But what will you do if you’re one of those employees?

Knowing your rights

When faced with such a challenge, one of the first things that you need to know is your rights. See if you’re entitled to more redundancy pay than you might expect. You should also see if you’re eligible for counselling. Also, check if there are any options for movement within the organisation.

The Standard also says that it’s crucial to know that there wasn’t any discrimination during the selection process. It means that no employee should get selected because of their age or gender. It also includes anti-discrimination against disabled or pregnant women. Asking the selection process criteria can help you understand the process better and why you were made redundant. Seeking help from lawyers is a practical choice, too.

Knowing about the redundancy pay


According to the UK Government, employees are naturally entitled to statutory redundancy pay if they’ve been working for their current employers for at least 24 months. If confirmed, they’ll receive half a week’s compensation for every full year that you were under 22. Meanwhile, for employees older than 22 but under 41, they will receive one week’s worth of pay for each full year. Employees older than 41 will receive one and a half week’s compensation for every full year that they’ve been with the company.

However, you won’t get the compensation if your employer decides to keep you on or offer you an alternative work. Also, getting dismissed because of misconduct won’t count as redundancy.

Take care of your mental health

Lastly, it will be best if you consider your mental health above anything else. Remember that it’s normal to feel rejected when you’re made redundant. But remember that no company could ever predict such a crisis to happen.

The stress that comes with redundancy can affect one’s mental health. Even more, worrying about your bills and its effects on one’s self-confidence can be a challenge, too. Although it can be challenging, looking for opportunities to build your self-esteem can help. If you feel that it’s getting beyond your control, don’t be afraid to speak out. Reach out to any of your support networks or look for a professional who can help you out.

Being made redundant is one of the most common drawbacks faced by a lot of people nowadays. Not only does it affect your mental health, but it can also put you in financial trouble. So, it’s best to coordinate with your company and see if you can do a debt audit to manage your finances immediately.

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