farmer and equipment

Things to Remember for Aspiring New Zealand Farmers

You’ve finally decided to start a farm. It’s not a bad dream, as there is a different peace that comes with farm life and it is also one of the biggest industries in New Zealand. It has contributed over $10 billion to the national GDP. But what are some things that new farmers should know when entering the open field?

  1. Invest in power equipment

Using the right tools for your trade is essential, so don’t skimp on getting a complete set of equipment and machinery to get your farming done efficiently.

Power equipment has been in high demand, with sales reaching a compound annual growth rate of 5.6%, so make sure you are getting reasonable prices for quality equipment. There are plenty of reliable dealers on the market who specialize in farming paraphernalia, both used and brand new.

Recognizing your need to have a return of investment, you should set aside a specific budget for purchasing equipment and maintaining them. Opting for used ones is perfectly reasonable, so you’ll have to be thorough in checking the state of things before purchasing them.

  1. Start networking

people in the market

No man is an island, and you’ll especially want to have a stable pool to rely on when you’re starting. Reach out and attend events that can grant you exposure and build connections with other individuals in the trade.

You can get to know other farmers in different sectors, brands, dealers, and even consumers who can help you establish your place in the market and guide you to learn the best practices for your farm.

Because farming takes a lot of know-how in agriculture and mainly marketing, there are many questions best answered by industry veterans and trustworthy peers. That can take away a lot of trial and error from the beginning stages of your farm, and you can focus more on tending to your farm’s direct upkeep and needs.

  1. Know your market

With the various types of farming out there, it may feel like you can fit all of it together and be a jack of all trades. Even though you can pursue this in the future, it is better to streamline your goals in the beginning. Doing this means you can cater to market demands better and you don’t spread yourself too thin.

If you already have a specific interest, be it with crops or animals, learn the demographics of who it is you want to sell to or who is most likely to buy your product. The way you brand yourself and the operations you take can be determined or the determiner of your market. By getting a firm grasp of both the competition and your prospective consumers, you can create a plan you can follow, and you can gear your products toward achieving that plan.

Farming is hard work, and while success is a goal for everyone, it is a line of work that must be done with love. The most inspired farmers are the ones who end up lasting the longest in the field.

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