Cluttered office space

Things that Take Up Too Much Space in the Office

Your workplace’s organization and cleanliness contribute to the productivity of employees. When you maintain a clean environment, you can inspire creativity among your workers. However, your business will accumulate a lot of objects over the years, which will make your office feel smaller and more restricted. A workplace full of clutter and unwanted materials may distract employees. You need to figure out the items that are taking up space inside the office. You must also be able to provide ways to prevent them from filling a room where employees should be working. Here are some of the most notorious office items taking up unnecessary space.


Documents are integral to your business. When your business grows, the number of boxes containing classified paperwork pile up. You may disregard the paperwork boxes at first, but you will eventually need to recover an essential document from years ago. You will find it challenging to go through the process of finding the paperwork you need. If your business is growing, you should consider adding a room that helps you catalog your documents in an organized manner. The room prevents dust buildup from untouched boxes. You should also consider storing files digitally, which allows you to save space and dedicate the archive room to another purpose. If you already have your online copies of classified business documents, you should always shred them before throwing them away.

Banners and Ads

Part of the business is the promotion of events and products. You will have to print out a lot of ads and banners. However, some of your promotional banners might end up useless after numerous events. You should avoid piling up your posters and announcements if you want to make room inside the office. Your employees might want to take home souvenirs after a successful event. While banners may be company property, you should consider letting your staff have some of the memorabilia. If you still cannot get rid of unused posters, you should get a room from one of Marietta’s storage facilities.

Props from Office Events

Celebrating a colleague's birthday in the office

Companies usually have events for holidays and social gatherings. Retreats and celebrations have positive effects for your employees, which means you should always include them in your office calendar. You will have to get props like party essentials and holiday decorations if you are hosting an event. However, the items may take up space inside the office after an event. If you have plans to use props for future events, you should consider putting them in the storage room.

Office Furniture

Big offices often have lounges and break rooms for employees. Furniture allows your staff to feel at home inside the workplace. However, you need to set limitations on the amount of furniture you are bringing in your office. Sofas, coffee tables, and pantry items are essential pieces inside the office.

On the other hand, televisions and dining sets are unnecessary additions. You should always keep your workplace spacious if you want your employees to avoid distractions. You must only take the necessary furniture inside your office to help you encourage efficiency and productivity.

An office needs a lot of supplies to make it a peaceful and inspiring work environment. However, you will have to avoid overwhelming the workplace. If you have a spacious office, you will rest assured that your employees will feel motivated to work.

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