white wool carpet

The Three Most Popular Fibers Used in Carpets

Carpets serve aesthetic and practical purposes in residential and commercial spaces. In Chislehurst and other areas, professional upholstery and carpet cleaning services are readily available to help extend the service life of our carpets. More than regular and proper maintenance, however, there are other factors that can contribute to a carpet’s longevity. One of them and perhaps the most important is our choice of carpet construction.

To have a better understanding of how the quality and construction of a carpet contribute greatly to its overall performance, here are the three most popular materials used in manufacturing carpets:


Nylon is a popular synthetic fiber choice for both commercial and residential carpet applications. Because of its durability and affordability, it is practical for facilities that expect a considerable amount of activity, like homes and most corporate offices. Its resilience and wearability are enough to accommodate heavy traffic, as well as likely instances of spillage and soiling.

Not readily absorbent of moisture, it resists oils and chemicals, except of course in cases where the spillage is severe. Moreover, it maintains color well and takes a while to fade, making it aesthetically practical as well.

fiber on the carpet


This is another synthetic option for carpet applications. Olefin is cheaper than nylon. Although also relatively soil-resistant and durable because of it being synthetic in kind, it is not as resilient and is more prone to soiling and abrasion when compared to nylon. It is the most colorfast option though, resisting fading and washing out even under constant sunlight exposure, which makes it a great choice for outdoor applications.

Olefin carpets are recommended to commercial spaces that house sensitive electronic equipment because it does not generate as much static electricity that may cause system disruptions and other related problems. Compared to nylon, olefin requires a bit more time and effort to maintain, but it is just as much a practical option.


Wool is commonly known for its high price and presence in more high-end commercial and residential spaces. It is the most popular natural fiber choice for carpets. It is highly durable, as it retains its texture well over time and is matting-resistant. Homes that choose to install wool carpets are also given the benefit of good humidity levels, for wool fibers are naturally absorbent. This means that wool carpets have the ability to absorb excess moisture in the air and subsequently release them back when it gets dry.

While it is true that wool is easily susceptible to stains, a fact that makes buyers hesitant to go for it, there have been many emerging stain treatment technologies recently that have made it easier to eliminate stains and maintain the quality of a wool carpet. Properly and regularly maintained wool carpets have even been known to last for decades.

It is advised, however, that you hire professional cleaning services for its maintenance. Dealing with wool fibers without adequate familiarity and experience can cause permanent damage.

The longevity of a carpet depends on a myriad of factors. A good carpet is defined by its construction, maintenance, aesthetic properties, and suitability to the nature of the space it’s installed in. It is important to know and understand the differences in carpet materials so that we can make a decision that matches the needs of our space. Failure to do so will leave us disappointed in the carpet’s performance and facing high costs of having to replace it prematurely.

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