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The Digital Switch: The Digitalization of Traditional Businesses

Traditional industries are beginning to take the digital route and are revamping their marketing strategies to include online strategies in order to keep up with the competition. Businesses, including insurance marketing companies and healthcare services, are continuously growing in the digital world through optimized websites and online customer service methods.

It can be daunting to reinvent oneself, but the results of digitizing are highly advantageous for your business – truth be told, not just advantageous, but downright necessary. If you’re looking to take the digital leap, take inspiration from these benefits across industries.

Optimizing Websites and Apps for Mobile Expands your Market

A 2018 study by Pew Internet says that 77% of Americans own a smartphone. This is why mobile responsiveness plays a significant role in the success of a business website and in its ability to capture a wider audience. People are more likely to stay on a site with easy navigation, which in turn increases the likelihood of their conversion into customers. This is primarily why developers now design websites that are optimized to the screen of a mobile phone.

Online Payment Methods Allow People to do Transactions Anytime and Anywhere

A lot of factors come into play when you choose to physically pay your bills. Among others, you have to consider parking and your daily schedule. Through advances in privacy and technology, though, online payment methods now offer convenience and security. This is especially helpful in the industry of healthcare, as apps and mobile-responsive websites allow patients to pay their bills online. Managing hospital bills has also become a more efficient process as some websites can send statements and itemized bills via e-mail.

Setting Appointments Can Be Done While You’re On The Way

With a few clicks and log-ins, people are now able to set appointments on the fly. In particular, the banking industry has taken advantage of this by developing their websites and mobile apps to allow users to virtually join the queue. With mobile queueing, the waiting process can be eliminated, letting people save more time.

Social Media and Chatbots Make Customer Retention Easier

man holding phoneToday, social media has become more than an online platform used for chatting and sharing personal photos. Businesses have taken advantage of the popularity of social networks to create a client base by engaging with customers more efficiently. Small businesses benefit from social media marketing in terms of self-promotion. By posting quality content that is relevant, users are more likely to start engaging with your brand. This also helps in building loyalty and trustworthiness.

Chatbots are a more enhanced way of interacting with clients. There are two types of chatbots: one that is limited to a specific set of commands and an advanced version which uses artificial intelligence. The first type is more commonly used by small businesses, particularly those in retail. Sizes, colors, and styles are easy to designate to specific questions. Facebook Messenger uses this type of chatbot where the user selects a question from a given set and is automatically given an answer. Meanwhile, the latter type is capable of machine learning and can understand language. The more people interact with it, the smarter it gets.

For businesses, taking the leap into the digital world doesn’t necessarily have to be challenging. Changes cannot be applied overnight, but with the help of good resources and flexible management, the transition to digitalization may be easier. At the end of the day, transforming your business is all about making processes and transactions more convenient not only for your business but for your customer base as well.

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