Engineers looking at plan

The 5 Professions That Will be in Demand in the UK Throughout 2020s and Beyond

Whether you are choosing which degree to get at university or considering a mid-life career change, it is helpful to know if there is a job waiting for you. Employment in the United Kingdom currently is at 76.6%, a 0.4% increase from the year prior. Meanwhile, unemployment is at 4% as of April 2020.

The job market is in a pretty good position right now, but there is no assurance that things will be the same in the future. Here are the jobs that will continue to be in-demand in the next decade, according to experts:


There is a huge demand for engineers of all kind especially in cities like London where all kinds of people from all over the world converge to achieve their dreams.

As more companies pop up, job openings for software engineers open. As more private individuals opt to make their homes smarter, more electrical engineers are needed. The ever-changing city will need civil engineers to improve roads and bridges. There will always be engineering recruitment in all the best companies in the UK whatever field you choose to pursue.

Food Professionals

Going out to eat at a restaurant, drink at a pub, dance in the club, and have sleepovers in fancy hotels for no reason other than leisure has never been more popular. Because people have disposable income, the food and beverage industry is projected to continue to grow throughout the 2020s.

If your passion is food, there is no better time to pursue a career as a chef with dozens of new restaurants opening every time. Bartenders and baristas are also in-demand right now, so go for it.

Healthcare Professionals

The aging population in the UK is growing. According to the Office for National Statistics, 18% of the entire population are people aged 65 and older in 2016.

Births still outnumber deaths, but the life expectancy continues to improve in Europe through advancements in medicine. This means that, at some point, more and more seniors will need care. That is why there is a huge need for doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals in the UK.


The population in the UK is expected to balloon to 74 million by the year 2039. While that seems to be a long time away, that means that more young people are being born or entering the nation from other parts of the world.

Schools will need teachers to address the increasing number of students. Moreover, the profession is actually one of those that is not being threatened by automation. So, even if robots take over in the future, there will always be a need for a language, mathematics, science, philosophy, and art teacher.


Graphic artist

You can absolutely make money from art, especially now. All sorts of industries, from technology to finance, are employing artists to design their logos, craft a unique advertising campaign, and write content for their websites. Technology has also opened new avenues for artists to express their creativity such as game design.

There are more jobs that will open in whatever field you may want to enter in the future, whether you are interested in sports or in the arts. Do not be afraid to follow your passion because there will be opportunities that will be available to you.

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