You have just reviewed your insurance policy. You can rest easy knowing you’ve bought additional coverage for possible losses related to earthquakes, flooding, and related natural disasters. Well done. But, how about damage from the sun – what have you done to protect your home from it?
The greenhouse effect
The world is warming up, but let’s scale down the problem to your residence for now. Your house is always exposed to the sun, and you may have noticed that it warms up more than usual in the summer. Your home may not be reflecting the sun but absorbing its heat instead.
To prepare yourself for a warming world, it’s time to learn about your home’s heat gain and think about pro-active sun protection.
Exterior protection
An unprotected deck could wear out prematurely under a sweltering summer sun. It would need protection from the sun overhead. Be prepared to invest money on motorized and retractable awnings. They would make any outdoor space as comfortable as the indoor quarters.
This modern installation is an effective alternative when it is not possible to plant additional shrubs and trees along the perimeter of the property. The best thing about these awnings is that they help in lowering indoor heat gain as well.
Keep the heat from getting in
These days, you can’t expect your home to protect you from the onslaught of high temperatures. It may not be designed for that. It is necessary to make a few changes to lessen the greenhouse effect and keep the heat on the outside.
You can start fighting off the heat by changing the color of the roof so that it reflects sunlight instead of absorbing it. Pale colors should do the trick. Use pale colors inside as well, particularly in rooms where the sun has direct access during the hottest hours of the day.
To limit heat gain indoors, add sun protection to the windows. Even with curtains, the walls may be absorbing more heat than usual. If your cooling bills have been hiking up, then consider having solar window films installed.
Insulation upgrade
Ultraviolet (UV) light is invisible, and you won’t have an inkling of its presence inside the house. That is until you notice the furniture upholstery fading. Don’t blame time or cheap upholstery because UV radiation contributes to about 40% of interior fading.
Aside from investing in effective solar films on the windowpanes, what else can you do? You can look at the original plans of the house and check out the insulation. Proper insulation is an effective first line of defense. If you live in an old house, you must consider updating its insulating capacity.
Properly insulated windows and doors do their part in keeping the heat out. Ask a local contractor about thermally resistant doors. Talk to them about sealing the windows as well. Remember that insulation is not only for sealing the warmth in during cold months.
The system is also an excellent protection against heat seeping in.
Sun protection may not be part of your insurance policy. Yet, the sun causes significant damage to both the interiors and exterior areas of your house. Start preparing now to win the battle against the worsening heat.