Success Strategies for New Independent Insurance Agents

Your first steps as an independent insurance agent can be intimidating. You’ll face different roadblocks, such as keeping up with ever-changing regulations, generating leads, and crafting excellent marketing ideas for insurance agents. However, insurance is a billion-dollar industry, and a lot of young and inexperienced agents give up before reaching success. Here are some pointers to guide you on your insurance-selling journey: 

1. Conquer internet roadblocks.

These days, website and social media account are must-haves for every insurance agent. They are valuable platforms that allow you to connect with your clients, nurture new leads, and spread the news about your brand. By running your website, you can reach more customers, including seniors.

A recent report shows that the digital gap is closing with 87 % of people ages 50-64 and 66% of retirees using the internet through their smartphones and tablets. You do not need to be a tech wizard to create, design, and launch your online portfolio. Multiple companies can help you build a website that matches your business model and effectively compete in the digital marketplace. 

2. Look the part.

As an insurance agent, you are not only selling policies; you are selling trust. People usually process visual details by making millisecond judgments almost unknowingly. So for an insurance agent, it is essential to put on a professional appearance before meeting the clients. Do not forget that first impression matters, and people still judge the books by their covers. Every sales situation is a stage, and you have to win the trust of your prospects by presenting yourself with care.

The presentation does not only include your clothes, but it involves your fragrance, hairstyle, posture, accessories, body language, energy, and tone of voice. A professional look extends beyond yourself. You must convey a similar professional message by preparing your office. Keep it clean, tidy, and free from excessive displays.

You can have a few personal touches like photographs but do not cover your workspace with overwhelming posters or memorabilia of your hobbies. Make it look professional and credible by posting brochures, posters, window labels, and educational resources from your insurance partners. Don’t forget to provide a chair and waiting area for visitors at a comfortable, conversational distance from where you sit. Pens, business cards, and paper should also be available at all times.

Financial advisor talking to client

3. Put the client’s needs first.

Sure, your goal is to earn a commission, but it shouldn’t be your sole objective. Most insurance buyers are worried that you are selling them a policy so you can run home with a generous commissions check. You have to reassure them that you have their best interest at heart. You need to decide on their behalf and offer them something that fits their needs regardless if the right policy pays a lower commission. 

Accidents, natural disasters, and health issues happen every day. People want to protect themselves, and their possessions from these risks, so selling insurance can be a great avenue to propel your financial success. Your clients might doubt the insurance industry, but your professionalism and genuine sincerity will convince them to trust you and your product. 

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