during an interview

Strategic Questions for a Hiring Candidate

The hiring process is important for any business. This us where they determine people who can be the right fit for the company. These are mostly composed of people in human resources, and they are tasked to screen candidates day in and day out. Qualifications can be stringent. For example, a corporate fraud law office is expected to have employees that have clean records, so anyone who has even the slight blemish will be taken off the hiring pool immediately. With that said, how do you know if you are hiring the right person? All of us have our own goals and motivations. At first glance, you will not be able to tell if a candidate is lying to their teeth. But with the proper set of questions, you can get a good idea if the person you are interviewing is the one you are looking for.

Work Experience

You are already presented one’s work experience with an extensive list from a resume. This is something that they already know by heart, and they can answer any question about it with confidence. The references are always there too to corroborate the facts. If you want to know more than just an enumeration of the past companies they have been with, the key is to catch them off guard. One way to do this is by not asking them anything about their past work at all and instead focus on what their superiors or colleagues think about them. You can fire questions like how do they think their superiors would rank them, or what would their former colleagues say about them. These will allow you to get a better grasp of the scope and quality of work that they have previously done without personal biases.

Skill Set

talking with each other

The first screening of an applicant usually involves introductions where you initially get to know a bit about the person. You will not be able to know the depth of their skill set during this stage. If they do pass and you want to know more about what they are capable of, you need to pull in someone who has the relevant knowledge to conduct another interview or assessment. For example, you can have someone claim that they know how to program in C++, so you grab one of your in-house programming experts and get some insight from them. The questions they can give out would be all about the skill, so in this example, they can ask about which function of C++ do they like the most and why. They can also ask instances or scenarios where they faced tough challenges and how they were able to solve it. At this stage, you want to get answers that are more specific in nature.


Attitude is a subjective trait of a person that you cannot really capture in an interview. People tend to build themselves up for those, so you most likely will get words that make them praise themselves. You can see a glimpse of their maturity with the right line of questioning. Try asking for scenarios at work that got the better of them, like the last time they lost their temper with a customer or a colleague. How they answer this could be telling of their personality. The honest ones should be able to answer right away.

There are a lot of people out there hunting for a job. Not everyone is deserving of the role they aspire for, that is why you need a thorough application process to really know who you should hire. Within the process, you should know the proper questions to ask, for these will reveal more about them than you would expect.

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