repair man in uniform

Side Business Ideas for People Who Like to Fix Things at Home

If you have a flair for fixing things around your home, you might want to consider getting your feet wet as an entrepreneur. With relatively low startup costs and minimal to no training required, a side business is not only a great source of extra income but also a way to make use of your hidden talents. Whether you’re thinking of being a part-time handyman or investing in a flooring franchise, there are plenty of practical business ideas you can start right now. Here are some of them:

Furniture Upcycling

For folks who love carpentry, furniture upcycling can be a good business investment. When reducing carbon footprint is all the buzz on social media today, you can take advantage of this green trend by promoting furniture upcycling. You can begin by scourging second-hand furniture from thrift shops or antique stores and then refurbishing them at your home-based workshop before you sell them in the market. Alternatively, you can offer your services around your neighborhood and restore things on demand.

Appliance Repair

Many of us learn to fix faulty appliances on our own. If you’ve always enjoyed repairing appliances and they get revived, you can consider offering this service around your neighborhood. Because having broken appliances is common in many households, your service will always be in high demand. The thing is, you must take instruction courses before you can offer this service. But this hunch is pretty easy to solve. Consider your training as your initial investment.

Fabric Restoration

Like appliance repair, fabric restoration has a good market because the fabric can be found in just about everything, from the clothes we wear to the futon we sit on. With proper training, you can expand your little business and offer services to nearby hotels, hospitals, furniture stores, and other companies.

Closet Organization

If you tend to go Sheldon Cooper at the sight of chaos and Marie Kondo’s passion for tidying up, you might want to consider offering closet organization services. When the fast-paced, high-stress modern work settings are keeping people busier than ever, many will turn to professionals to help keep their homes in order. This business also offers many opportunities for growth, such as transforming into an interior design agency and expanding to a cleaning service company.

Home Repair

If you’re the type that your neighbors call to fix their leaky faucet or install their flooring, capitalize on your skills by starting a home repair business. You’ll still be the on-call neighbor in your area, but now they’ll have to pay you for your time. This is a part-time opportunity, so you can still keep your nine-to-five and work only when you want to.

Alternatively, you can take advantage of home repair opportunities so that you can easily tap into a broader market. Primarily if you invest in an already established brand, you can easily offer your services to commercial establishments, such as shopping centers or residential buildings, like condominiums and apartments.

You don’t need a large sum of money and lots of experience to start your own business. As long as you conduct market research, reach out to professionals, and balance passion with wisdom, you’ll be on your way to succeeding in your venture.

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