lower shot of an estate agent handing a home key

Questions to Ask Before Hiring an Estate Agent

Clueless about how to sell your property in South West London? Selling or buying a property demands skillful research and an endless desire to find value in a sea of candidates. Property supply or demand at times can become overwhelming, and so are agents. It could be the reverse, too.

Agents make a huge difference, though. But finding an estate agent should not be as difficult as finding your dream property or your next buyer. There are important questions to answer before hiring the right one.

Are they an expert in their profession?

How qualified is your potential estate agent? When you meet potential agents, it is wise to interview them and learn more about their education and their experience. While an educational background is not that important, it is good to ask what they finished. Anything related to real estate management is a plus. Then begin asking about their experience. How long have they been doing their job? What is their batting average? Is the value they give to your property justified?

Checking credentials is paramount too. Oftentimes, agents are members of national trade bodies. Membership to such is a mark of professionalism and distinction. The most common trade bodies are the National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA), Guild of Property Professionals, and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

Are they easy to work with?

How helpful is your agent? Are they hard to communicate with? An agent who is easy to work with understands your purpose and your efforts. They know that you have a certain time frame to follow or circumstances that can affect your need. They adapt to your requirements.

Agents that are focused on your objectives are not hard to find when you are asking for updates. They will most likely update you in the agreed dates of the week or the month. They provide information on how the process is going. An agent that is personable and dedicated eases your concerns as a seller. It makes the sales process smoother and easier to follow.

Are they reliable partners?

couple discussing property documents with their estate agent

Reliability can be hard to find even if your chosen agent is qualified and easy to work with. Reliable agents bring you positive results. They sell your property successfully. How do you guarantee that a chosen agent can be reliable? Look at their company’s winning culture.

An estate agent who is very educated and experienced, and even one having a respectable hit rate, may end up not finding a buyer for your property. It could be because their success comes from previous experience from old employers. They may be losing a lot with their new company. To find out how well their company is doing, research about the company’s results. You can also ask former clients.

Finding a buyer can also be hard for an agent. The real estate industry is not a market of consumables that are easy to find. When you start looking for the right agent, qualifications and attitude are not enough. Reliability must also be considered. Always remember: They work for you. So being choosy or strict with deliverables is your sole prerogative.

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