people at a business meeting

Pointers for Effective Team Management

All members of an organization, from the interns to the executives, need to learn how to work with other people. It’s an essential soft skill that could determine one’s long-term success in their chosen career. But for people in managerial positions, knowing how to deal with team members and their unique quirks and traits is just part of the job.

HR specialists routinely use pre-employment skills testing to gauge an applicant’s skill level and personality. But some things can only be revealed once you deal with the person on a day-to-day basis. Thankfully, team management skills can be learned just by interacting with people every day.

A good manager should be able to exhibit leadership, and at the same time, gain the respect of their peers and team members.

1. Communicate effectively

Deadlines and crunch time are a fact of life for many organizations, but it’s essential to keep all team members in the loop. You might want to schedule regular meetings where you will share important updates, the state of ongoing projects, as well as remind everyone about upcoming deadlines. Effective communication will ensure that everyone is on the same page and that no one is in the dark.

It’s also essential to ask for honest feedback from your team members. Fostering a culture of openness and accessibility will make everyone feel like they can approach you with inquiries or questions that they want to address.

2. Connect with others

The best teams are the ones where members respect and enjoy working with one another. The manager should make an effort to know each person individually, not only on a professional level but in a more friendly manner as well. If you know how your employees are doing and what their goals are, it will help foster a sense of camaraderie among the team.


3. Reward good behavior

Nobody wants to work for someone who only gives negative feedback. By laying out a path for good work, you’re allowing your team members to work toward something they can be proud of. And positive feedback will help build their trust and encourage them to become more proactive in the future.

4. Be transparent

Your employees know that you can’t do everything yourself, so if you’re feeling the crunch and need some extra hands, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your team members. By showing a bit of vulnerability and leadership, your team members won’t hesitate to put in longer hours for you if required. Just don’t abuse this privilege.

5. Learn how to delegate

One of the reasons why it’s crucial to build a positive working relationship with individual team members is so you can assess their skills. People produce better work if they feel that their skills are being valued. Delegate the right jobs to the right people, and you’ll see dramatic improvements to the quality of the work being produced right away.

These things will help you become a better leader and team manager. A good manager fosters a positive work culture, builds relationships with their employees, and are attuned to the unique needs of their team. It’s not enough to be liked, however. You also need to command the respect of your team members, and that starts by being proactive about team management.

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