business people

Choosing Open Air Venues for Business Functions

In some parts of the world, large numbers of people already received their full vaccinations. Thus, many businesses have started to reopen. This is the case in the United States. In some countries like Australia, however, the Delta variant of Covid-19 recently caused new lockdowns. Still, governments continue to hasten the rollout of vaccinations. Businesses must prepare now to act quickly as soon as they can reopen. This is the time to plan and be ready with concrete strategies.

Welcoming Customers

Because of the long period of pandemic restrictions, people have shifted to online commerce. Companies must now welcome these consumers back to brick-and-mortar businesses through attractive and creative means. Of course, any activities must limit the number of people involved to ensure the viability of physical distancing.

Companies can hold events for separate small groups of people. There can be segments, for instance, based on purchase loyalty and purchase amounts. There can be separate events for new customers, either based on a registration queue or through a raffle.

Such events must offer more than just a great buffet. Apart from presenting customers with the companies’ latest products, they must also offer benefits such as significant discounts for on-the-spot purchases and gifts. These must be enough to excite customers and make them want to join the activity. The event must also inspire them to continue supporting the company.

Reinvigorating Personnel

Businesses must not forget to tend to the morale of their people. With many employees worldwide working from home during the pandemic, there is now a need for them to reconnect in person from time to time. This is necessary to strengthen company culture and employee loyalty. Holding a face-to-face event once every quarter will give remote workers a chance to bond and recharge. This can be a team-building exercise for small teams.

Opting for Outdoor Corporate Events

Medical experts in the U.S. and the U.K. agree that being outdoors significantly reduces the chance of Covid-19 infection. This is because the movement of fresh air disperses the respiratory droplets containing the virus. People who do not have full vaccinations must still stay six feet or two meters away from each other and wear masks, though.

The best venues for business functions are, therefore, outdoors. There are many open-air venues to choose from. For instance, an elegant rooftop setting is perfect for cocktails and dinner. Airflow is better at higher locations, and a beautiful view is a definite plus.

A company can get a corporate yacht for hire and hold an event while on a day-to-night cruise. The swiftly moving sea air adds to the safety factor of such an event. A yacht cruise is something that people will always want to join. Wealthy customers are comfortable with it, while middle-level customers will see it as a treat.


A beach event will be attractive after home restrictions. The company must hire the venue exclusively for its guests to ensure that there will be no crowding. The Mayo Clinic stated that water does not transmit the virus, so guests can safely swim as long as they observe physical distancing. They can also go kayaking, sailing, jet-skiing, kitesurfing, snorkeling, and try other water activities.

An exclusive open-air concert by popular musicians will be something that customers will want to attend. Again, companies must limit the number of people in the audience, and physical distancing must be mandatory. Businesses can produce merchandise signed by the artists and give it to participants for free.

For companies that cater to sports enthusiasts, hosting sports events will be a hit. For instance, they can sponsor a full regatta. Other sports competitions they can sponsor are surfing, tennis, cycling, golf, and rock climbing. These do not entail close contact among participants. The number of spectators must be limited and distanced.

Ferrying Participants

In some areas, the population may still be uncomfortable using public transportation due to fears of infection. In such cases, businesses can consider partnering with a ride-hailing service for their events. They can pick up and bring home participants individually. This will be a luxury that participants will surely appreciate. It will add more luster to corporate events.

Coming Back with a Bang

To show customers that they are all set to go full speed ahead with their business, companies must reopen with a major marketing splash. They must grab the attention of customers and make them feel the thrill of face-to-face engagement. This will differentiate their businesses from the relatively impersonal nature of online commerce.

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