couple unpacking in their new house

Moving to the Country: The Good and the Not-So-Good

There comes a point in one’s life when the bustle of the city becomes a little too much and the idea of living in the countryside sounds like the sweetest surrender. This dream of living the country life is especially prevalent in the UK. According to the Office for National Statistics, rural population will increase by 6% by 2025.

If you think you’re at that point right now when you are considering the big move, here is a list of things that can help you finally decide.

The Good

Cost of Living

Like anywhere else in the world, living away from cities means the cost of living is cheaper. Rent in urban areas is always on the rise. In fact, the average rent in Greater London is significantly higher than the national average. Spending the same amount on living arrangements means you’ll get a wider space in rural areas compared to the city.

Aside from rent of course, food and other services cost less in the countryside. Living a simpler life outside cities may also dissuade you from spending a fortune on the latest tech and fashion products.


A (maybe literal) change in pace will give you the time to take in the beautiful English scenery. You’ll have more hours to spend on your garden (a must in the countryside), or investing in outdoor recreational activities like hiking. The country may also offer fresher and more natural food options. If you work on it, living a healthier life is easier in the countryside.

As a human being, there is an inherent need in you to connect with nature. Living in the country will help you get in touch with this side of yours.


According to the recent numbers prepared by the ONS, average crime rates in rural areas are lower compared to their urban counterparts. Aside from having relatively fewer people, the countryside locals are known for a welcoming sense of community. You’ll find that you won’t need multiple locks on your door to help you sleep soundly.

The Not-So-Good

office colleagues

Access to Amenities

Living in rural areas most likely means houses and establishments are farther apart. You might find it easy to get used to driving 40 minutes to grab groceries, but living away from necessities like schools and hospitals may give you more second thoughts.

Job Opportunities

Unless you can take your career anywhere with you, living in the countryside usually means you won’t have as much access to job opportunities. This is simply because most businesses are situated in cities. However, the appeal of starting your own small business in the country may be a good trade-off.

There are a number of other arguments to be made for (and against) moving to the country. If it’s an option, you may consider getting the best of both worlds by living in a rural area close to a major city. A good number of estate agents may help you find the perfect spot to replant your roots.

It is human nature to imagine the greener grass on the other side. In this case though, the countryside is literally greener. At the end of the day, if the serenity of the English country is something you can’t imagine living without, then the decision should be easy.

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