open sign at a store

Making Money in a Pandemic Year: Make Your Business Survive and Thrive

It’s been one year since the pandemic, and most people believe that the outbreak has changed their lives for the worse. Whether you believe this or not, one thing’s for sure: the coronavirus’s impact on household or business finances is hard to ignore.

Some are brave enough to ignore the negative hype and still try to do business anyway. Whether you’re in the food delivery business or events and party rental service, there are other ways you could earn money to keep your business in operation. For example, some events businesses have taken to delivering goodwill messages and even catering food for those who want to celebrate at home.

In case you’re operating from home, you have the option of making a side-hustle on top of managing your business. If that’s your choice, take a look at these options for you to consider.

Your Opinions Matter, for a Price

During the pandemic, due to the orders to stay at home, many people find themselves whiling their time away online. Each one of them has an opinion to give, like you. There are companies and other businesses which would pay a lot for opinions from real, unbiased sectors.

Giving your opinion is a great way to make money without doing much work. There are lots of paid surveys on the Web, although you have to be very careful to only do the legit ones. Spending a few minutes per day on these isn’t much, but it’s something you can do part-time.

Some surveys can take only a few minutes to answer, while others are more complicated. You can get paid anywhere from a few dollars to a significant amount for these.

A Part-time Gig

If paid surveys seem like a low-scale way to earn money, there are still others that you can do. One of these is to do a part-time gig. There is a shortage of workers that can go to work right now because of the pandemic. You never know whether some local stores need people who don’t have to go out of state for work, which is where you come in.

A part-time job like at a grocery store can augment your income to levels comfortable enough to tide you over the pandemic. Unlike full-time work that takes a while for you to profit, you can get immediate money just doing part-time jobs.

Got Some Clutter? Sell It

calculator and coins

There’s a saying, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Clearing out your clutter has two purposes. You can save up on space if you take out excess clothing or other items that you don’t need. You can also help save the environment by getting rid of things you don’t need that might only end up as a landfill.

If you want to get something out of your early spring cleaning, you should sell what you don’t need online. If you’re not the sort to sell off items, you could very well donate them to a charity or to people who need them.

Complete Tasks

Tasks are like a whole other level of remote jobs that are easy to do but relatively repetitive. They might also be too boring and tedious to finish. Most tasks are done in a short amount of time, but most are also for detail-oriented people.

To give you a clearer idea, you can complete tasks such as labeling images to be used in captcha questions. Such images are pictures of cars, bicycles, trees, mountains, bridges, and anything that might not be too clear at first glance. Somebody has to label them, and this is a task.

Deliveries During the Pandemic

When the pandemic first started, people found themselves buying more and more online. It’s a good way of earning money and working out—that is, if you’re using a bicycle to deliver stuff. Schedules can be according to when someone would ask for a delivery.

Amazon, Doordash, and Grubhub are just a few of the outlets looking for delivery workers. There are bigger outlets like FedEx and UPS, but that requires a car, and you should know how to drive.

It’s not enough that you maintain only a single source of income; that won’t set you up for success. Take care, though, that you take on too many side gigs. These could get overwhelming pretty easily, and you don’t want that to happen to you, especially during the pandemic.

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