Fuel Gauge

Make Your Gas-guzzler a Little Greener

Not everyone can afford an electric vehicle, and not everyone wants one. Getting a green or electric vehicle might not even be the best option for the environment as a vehicle’s production creates tons of greenhouse gases. Sticking to your gas-guzzler is better for the environment, especially if you can make it a little greener.

Get a Tune-up

If your car’s gears aren’t firing right, it will be wasting a lot of fuel while belching a lot of smoke. Head to your trusted auto shop and get your car a tune-up. Make sure your ignition timing is on spot and give your gearbox an anti-friction and anti-wear treatment. Check your air and fuel filters and replace old sparkplugs. A properly tuned car runs better, uses fuel more efficiently, and produces less smoke.

Change Your Oil

The right motor oil can improve your car’s mileage by 2 percent. Opt for oil with the least viscosity, preferably one recommended by your car manufacturer. The oil keeps all the gears and moving parts in your engine running smoothly, keeping them from being damaged or heating up. Getting an oil change can be quite bothersome. But routine oil changes can increase the efficiency and longevity of your car, allowing you to put on hold a new purchase that comes with tons of carbon.

Use More Expensive Fuel

Fueling up

You pay a price for going green, which is what you’re doing when you opt for premium fuels. The more expensive fuels in your gas station contain cleaning agents that remove accumulated dirt inside your engine. Higher octane fuels also prevent engine knocks, which means minimal wastage, better performance, and a more fuel-efficient drive.

Lay Off the Pedals

Driving fast requires more power, which leads to higher fuel consumption. Leave your racing to the tracks over the weekend and drive mellow during the week. Driving 5 kilometers slower can reduce your fuel consumption by 5-10 percent; you’ll also reduce your risk of getting into accidents. Keep your foot away from the brakes. You might not notice it, but you might be pressing on it ever so slightly, damaging your brake pads and forcing your car to use more fuel.

Drive Like a Chauffeur

Learn to drive smoothly. Acceleration and deceleration should be done gradually, avoiding the braces to the car seats and the head nods. Be warier of your surroundings and avoid tailgating. You can decelerate smoother if you have more space, increasing your brake time to 4-5 seconds. Acceleration uses more fuel than cruising and sudden stops waste fuel. Learn how to drive silently. This means knowing your gears and when to shift properly. Driving in the correct gear puts less stress on your car’s engine and reduces its fuel consumption. Use the highest gear you can. Forcibly driving with a lower gear can increase your fuel consumption by 25-35 percent.

You can still turn your gas-guzzling car a little greener. Make sure your vehicle is running at optimum condition and adhere to driving practices that save on fuel.

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