A theft looking into an empty home

Keeping Your Home Safe While Abroad: What Steps to Take

Traveling abroad can be exciting and daunting, requiring leaving the comfort of one’s home and family behind. For some people, a short-term or long-term journey abroad might be necessary due to work or educational reasons. For various reasons, travelers are away from their homes for weeks or months, so it is essential to ensure that the house remains safe.

Work-related trips are often the most common reason for extended stays away from home. Working professionals may temporarily move abroad for an extended period due to job opportunities in different countries, such as taking an assignment overseas with an employer or working remotely from another country. Educational purposes are also a significant factor in why people may have to stay away from home for extended periods. Students often choose to study abroad for semesters or years at a time before ultimately returning home.

Aside from work and education, other circumstances require individuals to leave their homes behind while traveling. According to recent research by Gallup, 11% of Americans report they move frequently – often due to military assignments or other factors. Additionally, many people opt to undertake long-term volunteering projects in faraway places with organizations like the Peace Corps, Doctors Without Borders, or World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF).

Unfortunately, you might be living alone during these trips, which can be a safety concern. Please take these steps to make sure you have a safe home abroad.

Ask a Loved One to Housekeep

A human presence in the home is essential in deterring theft or damage. In any case, asking a trusted family member or friend to housekeep your home while you are away is wise. It would be best if you counted this individual to take care of your home and property.

When having someone housekeep, this person will be able to keep an eye on the property and take preventive measures against theft by watching out for suspicious behavior around your home. For example, they can look out for strangers loitering around the area and investigate any suspicious sounds or smells that could signal something is amiss. They can also regularly check doors and windows to ensure they remain closed and locked when necessary. Additionally, having someone housekeep provides an opportunity for them to maintain any outdoor areas, such as mowing lawns and gardening, to ensure no overgrowth occurs while one is away.

It is also beneficial if someone can periodically check on the house’s interior by doing basic maintenance tasks such as cleaning, checking for pests, opening windows for air circulation, rotating plants from direct sunlight into shadier areas, and assessing if anything needs repair or replacement. This will help preserve the condition of furnishings and prevent significant damage from occurring in the absence of its occupant. Furthermore, having someone physically present in the home often creates a deterrent effect for would-be burglars looking to intrude undetected – making it an invaluable asset to keep one’s home safe while abroad.

Install Live Monitoring Features

Ensuring home remains safe

Live monitoring features can also help protect one’s home while abroad. Depending on the type of system, they often include motion detectors, cameras, and sensors that monitor activity in residence. These systems will alert the homeowner if the system detects anything unusual or suspicious.

Some systems come with interactive features allowing the user to view live footage of their home via web-enabled devices such as computers and smartphones. This gives homeowners peace of mind regardless of where they are. Furthermore, some security systems can be connected to local police departments, which may be able to respond faster than private security services due to their proximity to your property – providing more excellent protection for your home while away from it for extended periods.

Invest in High-Quality Locks and Security Systems

A door lock opened by biometrics

High-quality locks are also essential for keeping one’s home safe while away. Lock systems should be evaluated regularly to ensure they are still in working order. It is also wise to periodically check the locks from outside the house, as this can help detect any signs of tampering or breakage. Additionally, consider investing in modern security features such as:

Biometric locks

These locks can recognize a person’s unique fingerprints, providing extra security for one’s home. Those biometrics locks also often come with a coded system for emergency access.

Smart window sensors

Burglars find that the window provides the most accessible access for breaking into an unguarded home. These sensors can detect when windows have been opened and alert the user via an alarm or a message.

Video doorbells

Due to their integrated camera, these devices visually confirm who is at the door when someone rings the bell. The homeowner can then decide whether or not to open the door for them through their smartphones or computers from anywhere.

Real-time surveillance cameras

Surveillance cameras can monitor the movements of those who enter and exit one’s home, even when one is away from the residence. This allows homeowners to observe any unusual activity that might take place in their absence.

However, investing in these features in one go can be costly. In that case, it is wise to upgrade the locks gradually over time. Additionally, homeowners should consider trusting a professional security company with their locks and security systems. These experts can offer valuable advice on the best strategy for a particular home and budget.

Create a Legal Action Plan

Unfortunately, your efforts to keep your home safe might not always be enough. In an emergency, it is wise to have a legal action plan with detailed instructions on proceeding if anything goes wrong while you are away.

This document should include the names and contact details of all local authorities that could help in the event of a crime, such as law enforcement, police departments, and fire stations. Squatters might not always respect the law and can start living in an unoccupied home without the homeowner’s consent. Therefore, getting legal traveler eviction services might be necessary to ensure one’s rights are protected abroad.

Finally, homeowners should consider getting insurance coverage for their property while away. Insurance policies often provide financial compensation if anything terrible happens to one’s home while out of town. Additionally, travelers should keep a copy of all essential documents with them or somewhere safe to be easily accessible in an emergency.

Final Thoughts

By taking these steps to protect your home while you travel abroad, you can rest assured that your property will remain safe and secure even though you are away from it for extended periods. This way, you can enjoy your trip abroad, knowing that your home is in good hands.

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