
How to Keep Your Home Interior Safe for Your Toddler

Keeping our home interior safe for our toddlers is important. After all, they are constantly on the move and exploring their surroundings. This is why it’s important to make sure that there are no fragile or breakable items on the ground that could cause them harm. It’s also a good idea to childproof your home as much as possible. This means installing safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs, covering electrical outlets with safety plugs, and keeping toxic substances out of reach.

Here are more ways to keep the interior of your home safe for your little one:

1. Keep the Furniture Away

Toddlers love to climb on furniture. This is why it’s best to keep all your furniture away from the edges of the room so that your child won’t be tempted to climb up and down. There should also be no space between the floor and any piece of furniture for them to get caught in (such as a gap under a sofa or an alcove behind a recliner). If you have low-sitting tables and shelves in your living room, make sure that all vases, lamps, picture frames, and other breakables are well out of reach.

2. Place Cords out of Reach

Electric cords (of televisions, DVD players, video game consoles) can pose a severe risk to your toddler. So it’s best to keep them out of reach by bundling the cords together and hiding them behind furniture or coiling them up. You should also keep large appliances (such as washing machines) pushed against the wall since your child might like playing with hoses and buttons around these items.

3. Keep Those Stairs Safe

As soon as you bring your baby home from the hospital, you will want to make sure that all stairs in your house are covered with safety gates at both ends (top and bottom). This way, your little one won’t be able to climb up or down unsupervised. Also, if there is an open railing on any floor other than the first one, cover it with a safety gate or mesh netting to prevent your child from falling.

4. Block off the Fireplace

If you have a fireplace in your home, make sure to block it off with a sturdy fence or gates. Toddlers are naturally curious, and they might try to climb up on the hearth to get a better view.

5. Lock Away Dangerous Chemicals

In any household, there are bound to be dangerous chemicals lying around (such as bleach, ammonia, and window cleaner). It’s important to lock these away in cabinets that your toddler can’t reach. You can also buy child-resistant locks for cabinet doors. In addition, keep all medicines and vitamins out of reach and store poisonous plants in an inaccessible place.

6. Use indoor doormats

Using indoor doormats or mesh strips at the bottom of exterior doors is an excellent way to keep your child from wandering out into the street. These doormats should be well stuck to the floor and made of rubber (instead of cloth). Also, never leave any doors open unless you’re outside with your toddler.

7. Childproof Your Electrical Outlets

Little child playing with iron and electric power bar at home

Although they are located in somewhat inconvenient spots, you should always cover electrical outlets with plastic safety plugs when not using them. Both little children and pets could stick metal objects (like keys or forks) inside these openings and get electrocuted because of this. If your outlet covers don’t fit tightly anymore, replace them with new ones that will provide tighter protection against accidents.

8. Childproof Your Windows

Toddlers (and pets) might be tempted to stick their heads out of open windows, but this is very dangerous. This is why it’s best to childproof all your windows by installing window guards or locks for them.

9. Don’t Leave Anything on the Ground

You should make sure that there are no fragile or breakable items lying around on the ground (in kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms). If you have delicate collectibles in glass cases, keep them up high so that your child won’t be able to get to them. You should also keep all power cords, and electrical wires tucked away under sofa cushions and carpet edges, where children can’t reach them easily.

10. No Sharp Edges on Furniture

All sharp edges of furniture should be padded, so your toddler won’t get hurt while playing around the house. This will also prevent them from banging their heads against hard surfaces. For example, don’t place a coffee table with a sharp corner in front of a sofa if your child likes running around it frequently.

It’s important to keep your home interior safe for your toddler. This way, they will have a fun and hazard-free environment where they can play and learn without injuring themselves.

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