Female hugging herself

Inner Peace amidst the Chaos of Working from Home

To cope with the pandemic, many companies transitioned to remote work, which seemed like a good thing in the beginning. Little did we know that the work-from-home situation is a lot more challenging than we expected. Technology is not foolproof, and some have experienced added stress of fixing their home Wi-Fi. Not to mention the added electrical cost and higher phone bills we have been getting since the quarantine. Working remotely also required us to both manage our household and jobs simultaneously, which is challenging for working parents and the like. And for those living alone, this situation can take a psychological toll because of the emphasized isolation.

There are days when you want to hit pause but won’t have the luxury of doing that. Here are some things you can do when you feel overwhelmed:

Get to know yourself under stress

Recognize how you behave when stressed. When you notice unpleasant emotions, try to take a step back and observe yourself. How are you behaving? Do you feel any physical sensations like jitteriness? Is your pulse rate getting higher? Being aware of such things is essential because the quicker you acknowledge that you are under too much stress, the faster you can work to eliminate it.

Try to relax

It has been shown that mindfulness practices are effective in managing stress and anxiety. Mindfulness requires you to be aware of your senses and feelings without judgment. ; If you can spare five minutes, try to do at least one exercise. Options include deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindful eating.

Mindfulness exercise can be challenging when doing it for the first few times, but it gets easier with practice. If you can, do this exercise before sleeping or practice during a relaxed state.


Reward yourself with positive experiences

At the end of the day or a busy week, pat yourself at the back. Treat yourself by listening to your favorite album or watching a few episodes of your favorite show. You can also go to your patio, press the button to make your motorized retractable awning work, and then spend the afternoon reading a book or having a meal with your family. Sleeping is very rewarding too, but sometimes, we need to work on things that give us joy actively.

Also, remember that you don’t need to wait for the feeling of intense stress before taking care of yourself. Engaging in such activities and experiences regularly helps improve your resilience.

Get social

Do not let quarantine stop you from hanging out with your workmates or friends. Getting social is also a way to give yourself more positive experiences. Organize a happy hour Zoom meeting with your team. Have a Netflix party with your friends on weekends. You don’t even have to talk to them; just watching a movie or listening to music together provides a sense of companionship.

Our world has changed so much in the past few months. We have been continuously adapting to this, and it is understandable if feelings of fatigue and overwhelm take in. As working adults, we have learned to suck these in, but as long as we have the right mindset and determination, we will be able to get through this.

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