Business meeting among employees

Improving Internal Communication in Your Business Is Crucial to Its Success

Internal communication is the core of every company. Employees need to be able to communicate with each other and exchange ideas with top management. This makes them more productive and inspires them to work harder and better. Without a well-functioning internal communication strategy, ideas tend to go haywire, and projects are more difficult to manage.

There are lots of devices and methods to help the internal communication of a company. Installing a hybrid PBX phone system, for example, allows team members to host video conferences, hold queues, and send data via fax. According to studies, companies with effective internal communication have higher total returns to shareholders. Investing in devices and systems that improve the internal communication of your business will prove to be fruitful in the future.

Use a Project Management System

Although it is easy to share ideas and exchange messages using a variety of communication platforms—Facebook Messenger, Slack, email, Viber, and phone calls—they present no real accountability (unless you will screencap every conversation you’ll have with the team members). A project management system will keep everything on track. The program will show what tasks have been implemented and what are to be expected in the coming days.

Encourage Sharing and Dialogue

Internal communication isn’t just about the managers sending tasks to their subordinates. It’s about allowing your employees to reach and communicate with you, too. Set an example by listening to your employees share their knowledge and ideas about a project. Make yourself accessible to every member of the team, and let them know that the communication lines are open.

Strengthen Physical Connections

Good internal communication practice depends largely on your local and Internet connection. If signals are consistently dropping, your employees will be forced to use their cellular data, and that would disrupt the monitoring and storage of information being exchanged among team members. Also, using unsupervised and probably unsecured lines risk external hacking and data breach.

Change Your Floor Plan

Office design with computers

More and more companies are opting for coworking spaces rather than traditional office spaces. Some are also outsourcing their tasks to home-based employees. But if you still have a team that works in-house, what better way to encourage better communication than to open up cubicles and floor plans? Instead of secluding each member of the team in a cubicle, why not put them in a more open space where they can interact and collaborate freely? Open floor plans are also more encouraging visually.

Hold Group Calls and Face-to-Face Meetings

Don’t be above calling for a group meeting, whether face-to-face or audio. There’s nothing archaic about team meetings. It is still the backbone of every effective internal communication method. When there’s a message that needs immediate attention, it might be better if you can call a meeting so that everyone will be up to speed. While communication tools are necessary and effective, messages can get delayed or the team members can miss an important notification.

Beyond communication tools and face-to-face meetings, the effectiveness of a company’s internal communication depends on the relationship between the employer and employees. Build trust between yourself and your employees by being consistent and transparent. Effective communications are fostered by a corporate culture where employees are well-informed and empowered to seek solutions on issues that affect the company.

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