Woman sleeping in bed

Guaranteed Tips for Getting a Better Night’s Rest

Getting good quality sleep every night promotes healthy brain function and improved physical health. But, not everyone has the ability to doze off as soon as their head hits the pillow. If you are having trouble sleeping, here are some ways to help get some proper shuteye: 

Invest in a high-quality mattress

Uncomfortable mattresses that are a pain to sleep on will definitely keep you up at night. It is highly recommended that you invest in a bed with a sturdy and supportive mattress. There are also specialized mattresses that address certain needs, such as memory foam mattresses or orthopaedic mattresses like Sealy beds. There are tons of bed stores in the UK, from London to Kent, that sell a variety of high-quality mattresses. It is only a matter of choosing which one you feel is right for you.

Increase exposure to bright light in the daytime

Our body has a natural internal clock known as a circadian rhythm which tells your body when to wake up and when it is time to sleep. Natural sunlight lets your circadian rhythm know that is time to wake up, so exposing yourself to it throughout the day will help keep your circadian rhythm healthy. This will significantly improve your sleep quality and duration. If you are unable to get daily sunlight exposure, you can invest in an artificial bright light bulb or a device that stimulates that kind of environment.

man sleeping with his mouth open

Avoid caffeine in the evenings and late afternoons

Caffeine greatly improves focus and energy. This is great for the daytime when you need to be alert, but not so much at night when you have to wind down. Caffeine stays in your circulatory system for six to eight hours, so it is best to take your coffee early in the morning. Anytime after 3 P.M. will disrupt your sleep schedule, particularly if you are sensitive to caffeine or if you already have trouble sleeping.

Reduce your exposure to blue light before bedtime

Blue light is a bright light that is emitted from television, computer, and mobile phone screens. As previously mentioned, natural sunlight and bright light reduce melatonin, which helps you fall asleep, and effectively tricks your body into thinking it is still daytime and that you should stay awake or wake up. Exposing yourself to it is great during the daytime, but will make it difficult for you to sleep in the evening. Avoid blue light at least two hours before you go to sleep by substituting electronic gadgets for a book or a knitting project.

Do breathing exercises to help you wind down

Breathing from your stomach can activate a relaxation response in your body, which will lower your heart rate and stress levels, allowing you to relax and eventually fall asleep quicker. Performing a short breathing exercise can stimulate this response in your body and let you drift off calmly.

Sleep is crucial to your mental and physical well-being. Making some small but substantial tweaks to your routine will help you optimize your sleep and improve your health.

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