freight train

Get a Slice of the Railway Sector

Australia is taking huge strides to improve the public transportation system in the country. The installation of high-speed trains in many of the regions creates numerous lucrative opportunities for engineering firms in the country.

Snagging a hi-rail EWP for sale in your region can let you cash in on the lucrative rail sector in Australia. The 33,000 kilometers of track crisscrossing the country is crucial to Australian businesses. The railway sector generated $25.52 billion in 2017 while employing over 60,000 people.

As the country looks for ways to improve and streamline public transportation, the government is continually expanding track systems. The latest addition includes two nine-kilometer tunnels for $10 billion.

An evergreen sector

Australians love the convenience of riding on trains, and the statistics back up this simple fact. Every year, they take almost a trillion train journeys, with the figures split between heavy trains and light ones. Naturally, the heavy-train trips outnumber the trams’ by a factor of three.

As more people embrace the convenience that comes with using high-speed trains for commuting, the sector is projected to grow in the coming years. A population of environmentally conscious people is also adding to these numbers. Compared to cars, trains have a lower carbon footprint, making them more appealing to people keen on conserving the environment.

Given the complexity of the railway system, there’s a need to keep the rails and the supporting system in excellent working order. That means the cities and the government are always hiring specialist firms to repair and service the track and lighting systems.

railway station

Handsome monetary figures

The government is committed to making it easy for the population to cut down the commuting time. Australia’s busiest regions stand to benefit from the installation of high-speed rails. Three states, Queensland, Victoria, and NSW, are on track to install high-speed railways.

Other than cutting down the commute times, these cities are hoping to use the rail to sweeten their bid to host the 2032 Olympic Games. The cost of putting up the rail network is projected to cost northwards of $70 billion. The rail network will have a hub in Brisbane, stretching far west to the region of Toowoomba.

On top of construction costs, the state government estimates that it will spend around $2 to $3 billion each year to deliver infrastructure. Grabbing a sliver of this money through a government contract can translate into a lucrative project for your company. Having the right skill set and equipment increases the chances of your company being considered as a service provider.

Higher dependence on electricity lines

Trams mostly run on electric power. However, the introduction of high-speed trains is likely to increase the use of electricity. Bullet trains run on electricity to reach and maintain the breakneck speeds they are known for.

Bullet trains will cut the commute time between the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane to under 45 minutes. The electricity lines feeding these speeding beasts have to be kept in tip-top shape all year round. That means the government will be hiring several credible companies to service these lines. Such developments spell good news for the firms with the capability to handle such projects.

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