a nice living room

Furnishing Your Apartment Rental Business: Tips to Follow

A furnished apartment is more attractive to prospective tenants who do not want to purchase furniture. Renters move from place to place; hence, investing in furniture that may not fit their next accommodations would not be practical. If your apartment comes furnished with the basics they need, they are more likely to choose your property over another that is not furnished.

When furnishing your apartment rentals, it is important to remember that you are aiming to please a wide range of people with different tastes. You cannot please everyone, but you can try to make a space that is comfortable and functional for as many people as possible. Here are some tips to help you furnish your apartments for rent

Choosing Paint

Paint provides the backdrop for your furnishings. It should be a color that is soothing and inviting, something that makes people want to come in and relax. The best colors for apartments are generally light colors. They make the space seem bigger and brighter, which is always appealing. Pale blues, greens, and yellows are all good choices.

You can also use a neutral like beige or gray. These colors are not as exciting as some others, but they are easy to work with and can be dressed up with colorful accessories.

Always repaint your walls and ceiling once they start to look dingy. It will make a big difference in the overall feel of the space.

Window Treatments

Your windows are one of the first things people will notice when they walk into your apartment, so make sure they look good. Choose window furnishings and treatments that are both aesthetic and functional. They should complement the paint color on the walls — you can choose to be monochromatic, or you can choose a contrasting color. Make sure the window covering provides adequate privacy and light control. Furthermore, ensure that it supports climate control. If you live in a hot climate, opt for light-colored fabrics that will help keep the apartment cool. In a cold climate, choose heavier fabrics to help insulate the space.

You can likely get a bulk discount from the supplier if you change the window treatments to all the units at the same time. This is more cost-effective.

Basic Furniture and Storage

The type of furniture you choose will depend on the size of your apartment. If your place is small, stick to small-scale furniture. Avoid ornate styles and stick to modern, streamlined forms.

Make sure that your apartment has all the essential furniture pieces that renters would need. This includes a bed, a side table, a couch and chairs or ottomans, a coffee table, and a dining set.

The bedroom must have a closet for clothes. The kitchen must have built-in cabinets for cooking ware, dinnerware, and pantry supplies. Add cabinets below the sink, as well, for cleaning supplies. Provide some counter space in the kitchen for food preparation.

Include a TV and entertainment center in the living room as this is where people will likely congregate. You can also add a desk in the bedroom or living room for those who work from home. Having these necessities will hook potential tenants.

Choose furniture pieces that also provide additional storage, such as a bed and couch that has drawers and a coffee table and ottomans that hide bins. These pieces of furniture should be comfortable and sturdy so that they can withstand the wear and tear of constant use. They do not have to be expensive but should be well-made.

You can scour flea markets and garage sales for second-hand furniture that looks new. Some only need a fresh coat of paint or varnish. Alternatively, you can have the pieces made for all your units. You can also get a discount for such a bulk order. Find a local maker with fair prices.

Apartment bedroom


Be sure to include all the essential appliances that renters would need, such as a fridge, stove, oven, washer, and dryer. You can put the washer and dryer in a shared laundry room for all the tenants to use, or you can put them in each unit. The latter is more expensive, but it is a big selling point for potential tenants.

When choosing appliances, find the balance between quality and the right price. You do not have to get top-of-the-line models, but you must also choose brands that will last. Even if you have to pay more than the price of the lowest models, you save more in the long run if you do not need to do repairs often.

If you can afford it, choose appliances with an Energy Star certification. This means that they use less energy, which helps the environment and saves your tenants money on their utility bills.


Proper lighting is important in making an apartment feel warm and inviting. It can also make a small space seem larger.

In the living room, add a floor lamp next to the couch and chairs. You can also put table lamps on side tables and another floor lamp in the corner. In the bedroom, place a desk lamp on the nightstand and another one near the window.

For common areas, such as hallways and the laundry room, put up fluorescent lights. These use less energy than incandescent bulbs, and they last longer, too.

Tenants Will Love Your Well-Furnished Apartments

When you furnish your apartments for rent with the right essentials, you create a warm and inviting atmosphere that potential tenants will love. Plus, by choosing quality furniture that is well-made, you ensure that it will withstand the wear and tear of constant use. You can enjoy the returns on your investment for years to come.

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