Beige New England Style Suburban Dream Home

Four Places to Bring Some Personality Into Your New Home

Buying a home is likely to be the biggest purchase of your life. And if you’re a first-time homeowner, it’s natural to feel a bit hesitant about spending even more money on further adjustments anytime soon. But as the days go by in your new home, you might think that some things need to be changed.

Sometimes it’s a matter of function when you notice that cabinets don’t provide enough storage, for instance. Other times, though, it comes down to personality. Rarely does a house fit its new owner like a glove; we all feel a need to express ourselves in our environment and shape the place we live in. Studieshave shown that the place we live can reveal something about our personality traits.

So if you’d like to start making some changes and tweaks to your new home, here are some areas you can begin injecting with a little more of your identity.

The yard

First impressions last, and you have probably noticed this if you’ve gone about inspecting properties. Your yard can set the tone immediately before anyone even sets foot in your home. Do you let your kids – or the local weeds – have the run of the place? Take matters under control and not only maintain the yard, but use it to showcase a bit of who you are and what you like to do.

If cooking is one of your passions, then instead of growing decorative plants, you can work on growing a vegetable garden and give your visitors a preview of the fresh, home-grown produce served at your table. Or if you prefer entertaining guests outdoors for a late-night gathering, installing a deck and lounge chairs will fashion just the sort of comfortable, laid-back vibe you’re after.

The hallway

Hallways don’t often receive consideration as a showcase for design. It’s a pity because people pass through them quite often. Take the opportunity to transform your hallway with colour and decorative wallpaper. You can buy and display artwork that you love, or try your hand at painting. And why not display memorabilia, such as photos, awards, and other objects from the past? Framing childhood memories or family photos is a tried-and-tested way of bringing your identity into your home; don’t just keep them all in one place.

The kitchen

It’s been called the heart of the home, but often in a new property, the kitchen can be one of the most sparsely functional areas. It’s up to you as the occupant to personalise this space to your tastes. Depending on your needs, you may want to come up with kitchen renovation ideas for your home, such as bright lighting, warm colours, or more organised and expanded storage. New tiles or a countertop can also be a subtle way of bringing personality while keeping things functional.

Extra rooms

Couple looking at new home

If you have extra rooms in your new home, they often end up being storage space. Why not convert the area into something tailor-made to your activities? A meditation room with greenery or candles and a wide-open space can be your retreat for yoga or relaxation. Or if you’d like some other functionality, a second bathroom with custom fixtures can be your place for some well-deserved pampering.

Making adjustments to your home doesn’t have to be on a large scale or involve considerable expenses. There’s a wide range of things you can do from small tweaks to additional construction. What matters is that you end up living in a place that fits you better than ever.

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