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Easy Ways to Increase Your Hotel Guest Satisfaction Rate

Many things can affect your hotel’s profitability, but customer experience is an undeniable factor in your business success. You may run the biggest and most expensive hotels in the area. But if you can’t provide a great customer experience to every guest, you can expect the number of your future guests to decline.

As a hotelier, your main priority is to ensure the comfort, convenience, and security of your guests. If you fail to offer these from the start and up until the end of your customer journey, you might receive negative feedback. Plus, poor customer experience means you miss a chance to generate leads through referrals.

Here are a few tips you can consider if you aim to provide your guests with better customer experience:

Never take communication for granted

One easy way to turn off hotel guests is through poor communication. Not all guests want your constant attention. But by opening up different lines of communication, you can ensure all reservations are scheduled right, and that all guest requests and concerns are dealt with on time.

For one, having a reliable PBX solution for your business is a good way to ensure your guests can easily ring you up. Make sure to provide your guests with the right numbers to call, so you can address their requests promptly. You can also leverage on technology to keep in touch with your guests. Offer your guests an app that they can simply use to request housekeeping, avail additional services, or even submit feedback and complaints.

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Offer fast and reliable Wi-Fi for free

All guests expect hotels to offer fast and reliable internet, but not with extra charges. It is important to note that, these days, connectivity is a major need. Your guests can range from families to employees and entrepreneurs. They want to connect with their loved ones once they arrived at your hotel. Some may need the internet to continue working on their presentation. If you want to attract more guests, then exceed their expectations by keeping them online for free.

Greenify your hotel

Today, many consumers are eco-conscious. They don’t only prefer eco-friendly products but green services, as well. If you can turn your hotel into a greener business, then you can attract the most conscious guests. Apart from investing in environment-friendly materials and energy-efficient appliances and fixtures, offer them green services, as well. These can range from organic toiletries, reusable glasses, and even eco-friendly laundry services.

Take advantage of guest feedback

What your customers have to say concerning their stay can help you improve your hotel. So, make sure to welcome their feedback, ask a simple survey, and encourage them to provide you with testimonials. Even if you receive criticism, use this opportunity to improve your service. Respond to all reviews and make sure all complaints are resolved quickly.

Being a hotelier comes with a lot of perks. But we cannot deny the fact that it can be hard to please all guests. Each has its personality and definition of class and quality service. But by making the right investments, you can provide a better overall customer experience.

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