green grass

Do You Want to Try Your Hand at Gardening? Here Are Some Sustainable Methods

Like baking and exercising at home, gardening has become the go-to activity of many people this year. That’s especially true during the height of coronavirus lockdowns in the early part of 2020. There’s great value in gardening—it’s relaxing, fulfilling, and rewarding. Plus, you can harvest fruits and produce. No wonder it’s been used as a therapeutic option in senior care facilities and even addiction treatment clinics.

But if you’re starting to try gardening, consider various sustainable methods to make the experience even worthwhile, not only for you but also for the environment. Here are some methods you can start:

Compost food and garden waste

Composting allows you to create natural fertilizer, save money, and send less waste to landfill. Collect all the organic matter from your kitchen and the weeds and dried leaves from your backyard. Place them in a composting bin or compost pile. Wait for the compost to cure for weeks and look dark and crumbly before using it in your garden. It will improve the soil of your garden and help it retain moisture better, allowing you to conserve water and spend less to zero on synthetic fertilizer.

Know how to water plants efficiently

Flower Pots with Gardening Tools and Watering Can Displayed on Wooden Table

No matter where you live, water is a valuable resource. So, some better ways to garden sustainably include watering your plants only when they need it and recycling water that would otherwise go unused.

Unless the climate in your area is hot and dry, you may only need to water your plants two or three times a week. Another trick is to stick your finger or stick to a potted plant’s soil to see if it’s still moist or it needs a sprinkle of water. Watering only when the plants need it is an efficient way of gardening.

If you want to use recycled water for gardening, consider installing a rainwater collection system. This equipment will help you collect and save rainwater and water the plants instead of turning on the faucet. If you don’t have space for this system in your yard, there are plenty of other options. You can put a bucket under your shower as it warms up to collect cold water instead of letting it go down the drain. Also, consider installing a system that recycles gray water and funnels it directly to your garden.

Choose the right plants for your area

Another sustainable approach to gardening is to choose native plants. That’s because they are suited to your area’s climate and do not need high maintenance—they don’t need much water and fertilizer. You can also select plants that are pest- and drought-resistant to conserve your resources and energy.

The less attention a plant requires, the more it can help your garden stay sustainable. Lower maintenance makes gardening more convenient, making the entire experience more positive, fulfilling, therapeutic.

While gardening sounds like an eco-friendly hobby, it can damage the environment if you’re not careful. But as long as you use your resources thoughtfully and avoid products and methods that are harmful to the environment, you can keep your garden sustainable, relaxing, and rewarding for you.

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