
Can Cybersecurity Protocols Be Too Good?

Yes, the threats of cybersecurity are too real. But these put companies in situations where they invest in strict protocols and procedures that hurt their business. Poor security has broad and adverse effects on clients and markets. It causes customers and clients and reduces the areas for growth. It also compromises the business’ reputation and risks regulatory fines and lawsuits.

Businesses want to protect their data. But there are times when websites get too strict with their protocols that they end up alienating and isolating clients because of WAF false positives. A web application firewall (WAF) protects websites from malicious cyberattacks from all over the world. But it could also create false positive reviews of these “attacks.”

The WAF analyzes requests from potential visitors. The firewall sits between your web server and web visitors. If there’s a malicious or suspicious content in the request, these attempts to access the website get blocked. There are times, however, when the firewall analyzes an attempt incorrectly. This is when false positives occur. The WAF wrongfully blocks a real user from accessing the website, thus stopping possible interaction and engagement with a client.

Balancing Cybersecurity

As a web manager and business owner, you need to find that balance between enforcing strict cybersecurity protocols and reducing false positives and disruptions. The right program will allow you to control your site’s security without so much as a hassle. It will allow you to adjust the levels of cybersecurity depending on how the web application such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting, and file inclusions are developed.


When a website blocks the entry of a client or customer, it effectively ends any kind of relationship that can be built with that client. This stops any form of engagement that can lead to sales and profits. The buck stops there. The firewall can disrupt the flow of the business. If this happens at least once or twice a day, imagine what that could mean for a business’ earning potential.

Securing Your Business Data

At the very least, a well-protected website combines these three elements: Wi-Fi security, antivirus software, and mobile security. A breach of the company’s Wi-Fi security can lead to the intrusion of systems, VPNs, firewalls, and network access controllers. Thankfully, companies are smarter now and have enforced strict measures on how to access their servers with more than just a password.

You should also start investing in good antivirus software. Many kinds of data breaches can happen because your systems have weak virus-blocking features. Good software gets updated regularly. It can prevent ransomware, malware, Trojans, and others.

The mobile-first policy in the industry has pushed businesses to adopt security protocols that protect the mobile features of websites and apps. Anything less could mean the end of your business. Encryptions and firewalls play an important role in making sure that the websites and users get the protection they need against hacking and phishing schemes.

Again, it is worth noting that strict cybersecurity measures can hurt the business. It is your responsibility, as well as that of your provider, to find the right mix and balance of systems. Otherwise, anything less or more can hurt the chances of your business to survive attacks or loss of customers.

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