women at the workplace

Business in the Time of Pandemic: Thrive Through the Challenges

A lot of businesses have suffered due to the pandemic. The implementation of stay-at-home orders has forced most businesses to close because of the lack of clients and customers. Other businesses have been forced to close because their services have no longer been deemed important enough to warrant their clients’ and customers’ continued support. During the pandemic, the government has declared that it was more important to focus on people’s needs, such as access to food, water, and shelter, for safety and protection against the threats of the pandemic.

Despite the challenges presented by the pandemic, there are a lot of businesses that have noticed a spike in their sales or revenue. Instead of facing major setbacks, these businesses have gained more support from clients and customers. Below is a list of the businesses that have thrived during the pandemic and why they have not succumbed to bankruptcy or closure.

Cleaning and Sanitation Services

The pandemic has turned a lot of people into germophobes. Since the virus could be spread through persons or things, many people have prioritised cleanliness and sanitation in their homes and workplaces. As a result, most people have shown increased support for cleaning services. Whether these services include deep cleaning protocols or not, the fact remains that cleaning services have thrived during the pandemic.

However, not all cleaning services experienced a spike in support of their clients and customers. Residential cleaning services have not thrived in the same way that commercial and industrial cleaning services have. This is because people are reluctant to entertain other people inside their homes even though the purpose would be to clean and sanitise. As a result, a lot of residential cleaning companies have resorted to diversifying their services. Some of these companies have hired more cleaners to cater to more specific requests.

Paying for residential cleaning services means also paying for the additional services that will be accomplished by various cleaners such as carpet cleaners, cleaners who are experts in car care, and cleaners who are good at maintaining gardens and lawns. These are just some additional cleaning protocols that residential home cleaners have added to their existing cleaning protocols. The purpose is to gain more customers that would pay for residential cleaning services.

Services for Delivery

The implementation of stay-at-home orders has made it difficult for people to venture outside their homes. Even when the restrictions have been eased a little, many people still refrain from going outside for fear of contracting the virus. Therefore, delivery services have come in very handy.

Delivery services have thrived since these businesses help their clients and customers acquire food and other resources without leaving their homes’ comfort and safety. Most professional delivery services have enhanced their operations to make sure that they will be able to deliver food and other resources to homes and even to business premises. Of course, these companies have enhanced their safety protocols to make sure that they will not be risking their employees and their clients and customers to the coronavirus.

woman talking to clients

Meal Preparation Delivery Services

Companies that prepare and deliver ready-to-eat meals to their customers have thrived during the pandemic because many people are always experiencing a shortage of their food stocks. This is because they can no longer go out whenever they need or want to because of the stay-at-home orders. Therefore, when supplies are low, most people would pay for meal preparation and delivery services if it is not convenient for them to go grocery shopping yet.

Restaurants and fast-food chains have enhanced their services to make sure that their clients and customers receive their food while it’s still hot. Also, these companies have enhanced their safety protocols to make sure that their clients and customers will not be exposed to risks, especially since they are paying for other people to prepare and deliver ready-to-eat meals.

Tutoring Services

Since people have been cooped up for too long inside their homes due to the implementation of stay-at-home and work-from-home orders, tutoring services have thrived. Many people have acquired a lot of free time since most of them are just staying indoors. Their workload and schedules are not as hectic compared to their workload and schedules were like before the pandemic started.

Therefore, more people discovered that they have too much time on their hands. As a result, many people have resorted to paying for online classes and tutorials to enhance their skills and knowledge. Tutorials and lessons range from academics, art, music, and even home improvement and maintenance classes.

The Pandemic’s Opportunities

The pandemic is a difficult time for most entrepreneurs. Although some businesses have thrived, many more businesses have been forced to close because of the pandemic. Despite the challenges entrepreneurs face, most have sought ways to survive despite having lesser clients and customers. Although the pandemic has affected all businesses, there are still opportunities that can be maximised, especially in providing for people’s needs and helping people make the most of their accumulated free time during their stay-at-home journey. Businesses like cleaning services and delivery services have thrived during the pandemic.

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