house in wood and white cream interior

Building a Sustainable Environment With Green Architecture

Green architecture is a sustainable movement where important environmental issues are considered when constructing new developments. The basic tenet of green architecture is minimising the impact of construction on nature. It takes a minimalist approach in terms of energy consumption, resources, development space, as well as the building materials used.

Use of Renewable Energy

Hydropower, wind power and solar power are a few great modes of generating electricity while at the same time, saving fossil fuel. Sustainable architecture makes plans for the future by tapping into alternative sources of energy.

Instead of relying heavily on electricity, solar and hydropower are being considered for homes, buildings and farms, depending on their location. Homes in areas that get plenty of sunlight are outfitted with solar panels so the cells can store energy. This will power the needs of the house throughout the day or night.

In places where a water source is nearby, hydroelectric power is used. This includes simple wheels in rivers. The energy created may not be enough for the entire household, but it is a good start.

Green Spaces and Gardens in the City

Sustainable architecture also plans more green spaces and the inclusion of gardens in modern construction. Instead of buildings that rely heavily on air conditioning, they design buildings with open spaces and large windows so that air can flow freely. They also make provisions for urban gardens, be it an atrium in the middle of the building, a rooftop garden, or vertical gardens in the balconies of condo units.

The gardens can be both ornamental and functional. Some buildings now have rooftop gardens where tenants jointly grow and maintain fruits and vegetables for their own consumption. They plant aubergines, lettuce, tomatoes, string beans, potatoes and other vegetables that are commonly used in food preparation. This is a combined effort that usually involves composting and recycling food waste in homes to turn into natural fertilisers.

Creating Modern Urban Farmers

Urban gardening is also an excellent way to introduce the concept of sustainable living to children. Besides rooftop gardens, green architects also design gardens in schools so children can work on the soil. Small greenhouses are also built for flowers and fruits.

It is also not surprising to find apiaries in London office buildings. The “bee houses” are included in office space planning blueprints in London and are usually placed at the rooftop. Bees help maintain the gentle balance of nature and are responsible for pollination. Sadly, the number of bees are dwindling because of the continued destruction of their natural habitat. Creating apiaries in urban locations will help keep their numbers high.

A Life Attuned With Nature

building surrounded by trees

Green architecture also works for large-scale projects and developments such as townships and new office complexes. Besides open spaces and plenty of trees, master-planned communities feature jogging paths, bike lanes, parks and water features.

Sustainable architecture encourages people to live more closely with nature. The shaded walkways are meant to encourage more people to walk instead of driving their cars all the time. Shops and stores do not use plastic and consumers can visit refilling stations for household items.

It is a healthier, greener and more eco-friendly way of life that is meant to help the planet.  If you have the opportunity, do support these efforts. It will make a great impact on future generations.

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