open sign on a glass door

Be More Flexible with Pop-up Stores

Pop-up shops are popular among small businesses that are introducing their brand. These shops are temporary, set up for a week or a few months. At times, companies do it on their own, contracting malls or building owners. But there are also fairs where organizers invite different sellers to set up booths.

Established companies that want buyers to experience their services or products also set up these temporary exhibits. For example, a new car model can be displayed in the middle of a shopping atrium to promote it. People can get in, check out its features, and inquire with a dealer. It’s a good way to market a new model or increase the popularity of an old one.

Pop-ups can also be set up outdoors. For example, secondhand car dealers can hire a moving company to showcase some vehicles offering low prices. Instead of waiting for customers to visit their garage, the company brings their cars to a busy space.

Other than popularizing products, the concept of pop-up shops can be very beneficial to small entrepreneurs. Rent is not regular, and the rate for a month can even be cheaper than what regular stores pay for their spaces. They can also reach a wider market as their store is not confined to a specific location. Pop-ups are also the best compliment to online sellers since they can reach random buyers who might not be actively searching for their kind of products online.

You can try this strategy out while maintaining your main store or online shop. It’s extra work, but you can have a few things customized and ready to set up, so you don’t have to worry every time you join pop-up fairs.

Display racks that can be dismantled and set up conveniently

Concept pop-up shops can be flashy, but you don’t have to go all-out all the time. Have racks that can be used for those glammed-up spaces and small stalls where you’re lined up with hundreds of other sellers. It’s costly if you will need to have your display rack hammered up every time you set up.

Branding details

These are images or items that you want to associate your business with. Your logo is one of these details. But it’s not just that. You can also associate a vibe or a theme to your brand. For example, you’re selling cupcakes, and the image you have been consistently marketing is that your product is great for formal or informal tea meetings. In elaborate pop-ups, you can set up a garden with tea party tables. But even if you have stalls, you can maintain the image by having a teapot and cups displayed on a rack.

a store selling edible goods

Product stocks with inventory in portable storage

It will be convenient to have separate storage for the items you’re selling online or in your main store so that you don’t have to do the inventory every time you have a pop-up.

The most important part of your business, of course, is ensuring that you have enough stocks with you. Nothing is more regrettable when a customer inquires after one of your products, but you don’t have it with you. It will be lucky if the buyer will be back the following day, but if they just happened to ask because they passed by your display on their way somewhere, that’s a loss.

On the other hand, you can offer to have their orders delivered to their homes. That way, even if you are out of the item in your pop-up, they can still buy it. Don’t direct them to your online shop if you can do the transaction while they’re there in person. They might forget it.

Wireless Credit Card Terminals

It goes without saying that you should always make everything convenient for customers. And nowadays, not many people bring cash, so a wireless credit card terminal is a good investment. Get the long-range one, which allows you to process anywhere with even just a 3G connection.

Hyped marketing

We all know how people react to the terms ‘exclusive’ and ‘limited.’ Before buyers see the other goods that will be on-display in fairs, attract them first to you through social media boosts. You want them to purposefully seek you out in a sea of shops on the day of the fair. List some items as only available for pre-orders. Of course, you will be selling other things but have a few limited products that make buyers feel special for getting it.

Pop-up shops are fun both for sellers and buyers. Whatever the occasion is, when people who regularly pass through halls or atriums see something new, they automatically check it out. Use this pop-up system to make your business always new and interesting.

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