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5 Benefits of Hiring A Public Adjuster

Having your commercial property or residential dwelling damaged by fire, hurricane, earthquake, and other disasters can be quite a disheartening situation. For many, it could mean losing their only shelter, while for others, it’s losing a source of income.

But no matter how things went and whatever type of property that you have, you can at least recover a part of your investment by filing a claim for damage settlement. If your property is insured, this should not be a problem at all. However, you still have to go through the process and hire and competent public adjuster to facilitate your claim.

The good news is that public adjusters of or here in Florida are known to out their clients’ best interests in mind so you can expect the best possible outcome when you hire one.

Take note of these five benefits that hiring a public adjuster can offer you:

You can have a more favorable settlement

Public adjusters have expertise in estimating damages and determining the highest-possible claim settlement. They’ve done such a thing many times before, so they know precisely how to process such claims. The adjuster will know the fair value for your claim and will work hard to achieve just that for you.

In fact, adjusters are known to negotiate as much as 74% bigger insurance settlement when compared with what most insurance companies are only willing to pay. The bottom line is that with a public adjuster facilitating your claim, you can look forward to a more favorable settlement.

It is better than when you simply go for the adjuster that your insurance company will provide you with.

You’ll have someone take care of all the documentation and leg work

Taking care of all the documentation required to process your claim and handling all the needed leg work can be quite a daunting and time-consuming affair. Worry not as your public adjuster can handle everything such as documenting the actual damages, filing the necessary documents to the insurance company, as well as making the needed negotiation with them.

You’ll save precious time this way so you can devote it to more important and productive matters.

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Your best interest is promoted

Your public adjuster doesn’t work for the insurance company, but for you, so you’re assured that he or she will strive to promote your best interest. You have the right to hire your own adjuster and not settle with the adjuster assigned by your insurance company.

If your insurance company insists that you settle for the adjuster that they provide, just fight for your right and tell them that you’ll hire your own adjuster instead.

Your claim can be resolved faster

The public adjuster, with his or her extensive knowledge, knows how to fast-track documentation, filing of appropriate and required documentation, and negotiating with the insurance company to secure the settlement amount.

Such an efficient way of handling claims ultimately lead to faster resolutions of all claims made that benefit the insured property owner.

You practically won’t have to spend outright

This is because the public adjuster works on a contingency basis, which means that he or she will get paid only when the settlement amount has been paid for by the insurance company. The fees charged by public adjuster typically range anywhere between 5% to 20% of the total amount of the settlement.

Be sure to only a reliable public adjust with a solid track record so you can be sure that you’ll enjoy the benefits mentioned above.

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